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Distressed Wood Flooring; Exotic Flooring Idea to Add

Distressed Wood Flooring; Exotic Flooring Idea to Add

Distressed wood flooring has distinctive look. This type of flooring is loved by many homeowners. It starts with wood flooring. Hardwood flooring looks very excellent with its natural expression. You will admit it although the price is little bit expensive. To get a distressed look, then you need to distress it. To distress the wood flooring, it is not that hard. You can accomplish it by following some easy tips from the professionals.

Wonderful Expressing Of Distressed Wood Flooring

As you are able to distress your wood flooring rightly, you can find a very exotic and dramatic expression. This is what makes many homeowners love to distress their hardwood flooring. Distressed wood flooring even looks more wonderful. You can enhance the room interior decoration instantly. This distressed flooring also adds value to the property.

Look at how distressed engineered oak flooring looks really expressive in your room. By natural color of oak wood, this flooring can be amazingly distressed. So, type of hardwood flooring can determine how the finish look after it is distressed. You can look at the images of the finished project where the floor has been distressed. Compare the pictures of the distressed wood flooring and others that are not distressed.

distressed wood flooring vs smooth

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